The #1 excuse I hear is “I’m too busy” Too busy for what? To make money? Excuses are pathetic. Excuse makers have the same amount of hours in the day as action takers. F*ck your excuses. Saying “I’m too busy” really means “It’s not a priority for me” or “I’m too lazy to do that” Either way, excuses will never pay your bills.
What generally happens is people get too busy doing busy work. Turns out, after extensive personal research, busy work does not pay very well.
We get busy doing busy work that doesn’t pay us, and it interferes with the real work that needs to get done, that does pay us. it’s a vicious cycle to get caught up in. Yet, it consumes a large amount of people in the sales industry. We spend our time doing low paying tasks and avoiding the one thing that pays us. CLOSING SALES!
When you say you’re too busy, you’re saying that you’re busier than everybody else who’s doing the work. Bill Gates has time to make billions annually, surely you can find time to exercise, close more sales, learn a new technology, further your education or whatever it is you need to do, that you’re too busy for.
“Too busy” is just an excuse people make in order not to do what they know they need to do. Nobody is too busy. You can always wake up an hour earlier, go to bed an hour later or eat lunch at your desk. If you really want something done, you can do it. Case in point, when busy couples have their first kid, they somehow find the time to take care of the kid on top of their already busy life. You make time for what you prioritize.
In this video I’ll share with you the way to tackle the excuse of being too busy. Busy doesn’t pay the bills. Money does. Never mind the fuzziness, I recorded it after a crossfit workout as a live stream on Facebook. Take in the context and words and then leave your excuses when you leave this website.
Also, if you click the banner below the video, you can get a FREE paperback copy of my 15X best selling book Elevator To The Top send right to your doorstep. You’ll love the book just like the 3,000 people who’ve go their hands on one already.