There’s nothing worse than doing the work, putting in the time, going for the close, and being told “I’ll be back” Who the fck are they? The Terminator? “I’ll be back” Hearing that sh*t makes me madder than a midget with a yo-yo. What’s worse, is if they are a truly qualified candidate, it’s your duty to track them down, finish the sale and close them.
Tracking down a ghost is a lot easier said than done.
Over the years, I’ve let a few good sales slip through the cracks. I’ve always thought “If they don’t buy form me, they might get ripped off elsewhere” and I’ve done my part to attempt to keep that from happening. As I’ve become more and more technically advanced, I’ve found faster and easier ways to track down and follow up with people I want to do business with.
I’ll share my insight on what I call “ghost hunting” Ghost Hunting is when you’re looking for a prospect that disappeared on you. Sometimes it’s more like prospects walked through the walls than out through the door. I’ve got pretty good at finding folks and getting them back in the box and closed. Lemme hook you up.
Google Search – I’m sure that right now you’re thinking “Ok, Captain Obvious” but you’d be surprised at how few people use Google to search for prospects. Google can find pretty much anyone for you; if you know how to use it. In this day and age, 99% of the people on the planet have an online footprint somewhere. All you have to do is get good at using search phrases to find who you’re looking for.
I like to use phrases that include the prospect’s name and occupation. Like searching for “Ryan Stewman mortgages” and refining my search from there. I also like using phrases that include their work title such as “Ryan Stewman CEO” or Ryan Stewman chief executive officer” Get creative. You can even use Google to find out what sites they might have been on and then do some sales recon when you find them.
Facebook Search – These days there’s over 2 billion people on Facebook. There’s a 99% chance your prospect is on there. I’ve had people tell me “my prospects aren’t on Facebook” and I’m like “you don’t work with humans?” because I’ve sold to the rich, the poor, the young, the old and everything in between, from Facebook. I’ve even helped a Texas land developer sell more than $12 million in real estate from Facebook this year.
Mutual Connections are pretty easy to come by these days. If you sell locally, there’s a chance you’re connected to someone who’s connected to your prospect. If you know the mutual connection well, ask for a recommendation or referral. If you don’t know the mutual connection that well, simply reach out to the prospect on FB and mention you share the same connection. Instant re-conversation starter.
Linkedin – Most likely, when you use Google to search for their name and job title, Linkedin will be the first thing to come up. Linkedin has some serious Google juice. Linkedin has just about every working American listed on their site. It’s not a site that’s frequented as much as Facebook, but it’s white-listed with all the email servers, so if you send a message, it usually goes to their email too.
One of the things you can also do on Linkedin, that’s a great prospect reminder and also build good karma for you, is giving them a review or recommendation on Linkedin. This always gives them a notice in their email, it also makes them feel good and sometimes even obligated to let you close them.
Email – Did you know that on sites like Facebook, Linkedin, Google, Pinterest, Twitter and damn near every other site out there allows you to search for people by their email address? Most sites require an email address to login. Which means that most likely, the email address the ghost left you, is the same one they login to many sites with. Search using their email and then follow up accordingly on the sites you find them on.
What’s crazy to me, I see it all the time, is that salespeople will call a ghost 20 times, but never email them. Most calls go unanswered, emails have a higher read rate, than calls have as an answer rate. Make sure you email your prospects, ghosts and all, at least once a day until you hear back. Try asking questions, or using crafty subject lines to get them to open your emails vs opening the other 10,000 in their inbox daily.
Texting – Way too many salespeople are afraid to text prospects. This especially is the case in B2B sales. At least once a week, someone in my Sales Talk With Sales Pros group on Facebook asks if we think it’s ok to text a prospect. “Hell yeah it’s ok” Matter of fact, it’s encouraged. Text messages have a 99% seen rate and a 93% read rate. Get on that sh*t son!
Try this Instead of texting (same for email) a sales pitch, text them with questions. “Morning James, it’s Ryan over at the Ford dealership. Did you get the price quote on the car you were looking for?” Then leave it at that. Don’t send a text asking a million questions. Simply text them, ask a question, get the answer, then ask another. One text per thought/question. Keep them engaged until you can close them.
Since you’ve done all that work, you might as well follow up and get paid for it. Tracking down ghosts is a pain in the @ss. I get it. I’m a salesman too, you know. Do you know what’s not a pain in the @ss? Getting paid a commission for closing a sale. I don’t care how bad the process was, the check always makes it feel worth the work. Follow up with ghosts and get paid for you work.
If you’d like some more follow-up ideas and strategies, for yourself or your sales team, check out my Permission Based Sales program. It’s all about making “FU Money” from follow up. I’ve created a powerful process called PBS and you can learn all about it by clicking the banner below. Don’t forget to share this on social media and with folks you know who sell stuff.