Nothing is worse than dealing with kangaroo and prairie dog clients. They are a life suck, but it’s part of being in sales. Time wasters, tire kickers, and bullshitters will always find a way to get in our pipelines. The best thing you can do is quickly identify what type of person you DON’T want to work with and stay far away.
No matter how hard we try, we are certain to run into prospects that piss us off, and waste our time. I hate them just as much as you do. The key to avoiding shithole prospects is identifying what you want in a client and what you don’t want. The mind gets what it focuses on and in order for you to focus, you need to be clear.
In this video I’ll explain how you can avoid shithole prospects like the plague. You’ll also learn how to identify the ones who will never buy. I’ve outlined several types of prospects that none of us like. Plus, you’re gonna laugh your ass off. Enjoy the video.