In my opinion, the less time you spend on the phone, the more money you make. I know that’s contradictional [my word] to what we are normally told and taught in this industry. If you’ll hear me out though, I will enlighten you as to why I feel this way and why this way of thinking has been worth a seven figure income to me.
Before you lear how to prospect and close on Facebook chat, you’ve got to know why it’s an important sales skill to posses. The same principles I’m going to teach you pertaining to chat, will also work via text message and email. In a world where phone calls go unanswered almost 90% of the time, it’s important to learn to write.
Those of us who can write are the future. Learning to be just as effective in text, as you are face to face, is crucial if you want to remain a top producer in the next 10 years. Every day I have more and more people tell me how they are reaching prospects via text message and Facebook chat, more than on the phone. Texting not going anywhere, you might as well adapt.
Now, let’s talk about the benefits of selling via text. If you can write as good as you talk, you’ll be able to talk even better. Those of us who can write, make the best videos, public presentations and face to face closers. Once you can communicate via text, you can communicate effectively in every other way, even better.
Another big benefit to closing via chat is the time. When you are on a call, you gotta wait for the rings, make the same old BS introduction, or worse yet, and most popular, leave a voicemail. On top of that, as a salesman, you have to keep he call from having dead air. You’ve also got to have all the answers on the fly. Lastly, you can only do one sales call at a time. With chat you don’t have any of those problems.
Using chat, you can be in the middle of several sales conversations and prospecting talks at the same time. This not only allows you to close multiple deals at once, it allows you to prospect at a lot faster rate. On top of that, if you don’t have the answer to a question from a prospect, you can look it up or ask about it before you answer. There’s no immediate response needed.
There’s always some of you that say “my prospects are not on Facebook” or “my prospects don’t text” allow me to call bullsh!t on that. Facebook has almost 2 billion users. A lot of your prospects are on there. Maybe not every day (probably though) but they are on there. Same with text, if you have a cell phone number, the person on the other end can text. If my grandma texts, your prospect does.
With all of that explained, now let’s get to the good stuff.
We’ve all be hit with the BS message from at least one MLM person. You know the deal. They send you a message with a link and a message with “deal of a lifetime” or “ground floor opportunity” These messages don’t work. They piss off way more people than you can imagine. Think of online prospecting like this: If you don’t like something done to you, don’t do it to someone else. That includes spam.
Let’s talk prospecting first. Before you can close someone, you gotta have someone to close. Facebook is full of prospects. It’s the single biggest pool of prospects, in once place, on the planet. If you do it right, you can make a lot of sales. If you mess it up, you’ll find yourself friendless and financially failing.
When prospecting from your friends list, here’s the proper way to get it done:
First, you’ve got to select who you’re going to prospect. Go to your friends list and pick out the people you want to do business with. Make a list of at least 20 of them. Add them to your “must see” list and make sure you are interacting with them on their posts.
Second, look on their wall and see what they have posted lately. Have they checked in somewhere cool? Did they take a picture of someplace you know? Use what I call “social recon” to find out what they have been up to. Let’s say you saw them check in at a local restaurant that you haven’t been to yet. You hit them up on chat like:
“Hey man, long time no see! I was thinking about you, so I went to your wall. Looks like you’re doing well. I saw that you checked in at Morton’s a couple days ago. Is that place cool? Did you like the food? I’ve been thinking of going there.“
This is a harmless message. It in NO way looks like a sales pitch. 99.99% of people in this planet operate without intent. Intent brings blame and most people don’t want to be responsible for any more than they have to be. When you operate with intent, paired with the right strategy, they never see it coming.
Third, after they see your message, they will most likely tell you all about the food and what it was like. From there, your job is to make small talk to get them warmed up. This small talk, is not so small to you though. To them, they think it’s casual conversation. To you, it’s fact finding! You’ll control the conversation with something like this:
“That’s awesome, I’ll def check it out then. How’s work treating you?“
After you’ve talked family and life, you talk work. We Americans identify with three things. Where we are from, our name, and what we do for money. With men especially, what we do for a living is our pride. WE enjoy telling others how well things are. The prospect will probably tell you “work is good, how are things at your work?” That’s when you hit them with this:
“My work is awesome and I can’t complain. But you know how it is in the XYZ biz, I’m always looking for people who need ABCs. If you know or hear of anyone, be sure and make an intro for me. I’ll do the same for you. Cool?”
It’s important that you get them to agree. Don’t just tell them what to do, ask them if it’s ok. Even more so, ask them if it’s ok following the offer to help them. That’s really hard for anyone to say no to. Just like any other sales contact, most of the time they will say “I’ll keep you in mind” or some sh!t. But some, they say “hey man you know what? Funny you say that I got this…” and you’re in!
It’s important, that at this point you don’t just pounce and assume the sale. Just like asking questions and shutting up on a phone call or face to face, you’ll do the same via text. Ask question after question until you get the answers you want. Once you uncover the need, simply extend an offer to help.
You may be tempted to flip a hot prospect to the phone. Only do this if THEY ask you to. If you’re already chatting on Facebook, don’t try to sell them on getting on the phone. The less sales you have to make to get the sale, the better. Right? Right!
I’ve closed 100s of thousands of dollars in sales without ever meeting or speaking to prospects. All thanks to Facebook and Messenger. What’s even better, is when people message you. You can skip the BS and go straight to “what made you decide to reach out?” and get the fact finding process rolling.
If you’re looking for ways to close prospects via text, chat and email, I know how to do it. Every day I close sales from private messages. I’ve created a program called Show Up and Close that will teach you how it’s done. With this program, in 6 months, you’ll be a written and verbal bad@ss when it comes to closing anyone anywhere. Get the details at
If you’re looking to find out how what I do can benefit you, take a few minutes to fill out the form below. All I ask, is that if you fill out that form and are ready to talk on the phone, you also be ready to make an investment in yourself. There’s all the free information you can want on this site, applications are for the serious people who want life changing training only.