If You’re Still Battling Technology You’re About To Lose The War

We were just FORCED into a situation where we had to learn how to Zoom, Skype and Hangout online. Not just in business, in our friendship and family circles too....


We were just FORCED into a situation where we had to learn how to Zoom, Skype and Hangout online. Not just in business, in our friendship and family circles too.

Right now ladies are getting on Zoom with their friends having wine hour online. Dudes are masterminding online instead of meeting at the bar.

I know this: It takes 30 days to create a habit and 60 days to lock that habit in for life.

That being said, we have been on lockdown creating new unbreakable habits for the last 55 days and it will be at least another 2 weeks before most people get off. This means with 100% certainty that some things will never go back to the way they were.

For example, I was just speaking my my doctor friend the other night and he was telling me about his CFO. The CFO was 100% against this lockdown and working through technology. He hated technology. Yet, he told my doctor friend he loves it now and will never go back to working in the office.

I say all that to start saying this:

If you’re one of those stubborn fucks who’s avoided technology for years, you are about to be obsolete and left behind in a major way. You will no longer be needed, no matter how valuable you’ve been in the past to your industry.

The entire country just got a lesson on technology and they actually like it. I been saying this for years. I been trying to tell people technology is a good thing and it makes life easier.

See, change is gonna happen. The problem with change is that change causes people to step out of their comfort zone. Most people are comfortable the way they are, but when they are forced to learn something new, in about 30 days, that new thing becomes the new comfort zone.

If you are still one of those stubborn people who thinks your prospects, your clients or your people aren’t online, you are 100% wrong.

In Texas the judges are now holding court via Zoom. Judges are typically old dudes and they are learning a new technology. They are using it to adapt to these times and I bet you many of them use Zoom often even when this lockdown is lifted.

You gotta embrace technology or get left behind by it. There is no exceptions or excuses any more. Stop being so got damn stubborn.

Ryan Stewman

This is the 300th episode of the Hardcore Closer Podcast and this means you’re in for a treat. You know Ryan Stewman always brings the heat. This week, he shares an intimate conversation he had with Waka Flocka Flame, aka Juaquin James Malphurs.

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