What’s the deal with people our affinity to self sabotage shit? Seriously one of the biggest struggles pitted against the entrepreneur is the battle of “FUCK IT BURN THIS MOTHER FUCKER DOWN” that burns within us.
If you don’t ever get that feeling then lucky you. Well… more like unlucky you. If you don’t have passion for what you do, I hate that for you. If you don’t get fired up, pissed, anxious and raged all at the same time, you’re not doing enough.
On this week’s show Sean and I get into the reasons people can’t seem to let themselves win. We talk about a lot of insane shit that for some reason happens logically inside a lot of people’s minds.
We also get into the deep shit. Like what’s the fucking deal with excuses and how showing up in a confident state of mind is really all it takes to close. This show has several out of control rants in it. You’ve been warned.