Why is it that everytime one of us excels at sales, the higher ups always try to move us into management? It’s like being a really good Chef and then people telling you it’s time for you to learn how to farm.
It makes no sense. Or does it?
In order for people to move up the ladder in the corporate world, they have to replace themselves. This means, that if your boss wants to move up, he has to get someone to take his job replace him. If you’re the person who makes the boss the most money, they will try to move you first.
The employee mentality is strong here in America. We’ve been taught that management is our goal in regard to employment. That’s not how salespeople should think though. We are different. We don’t have the employee mindset. We are hunters.
In this podcast I’ll explain the strange phenomena of sales to management and I’ll give you some advice on whether you should move up or stay in sales. While most of us salesmen need to stay right where we are, there are a few of us who will do good in management.
After you listen to this entire episode, you can decide for yourself. Speaking of sales, if you want to increase your lead flow and closing ratios check out this free I made for you at www.bfadigital.com otherwise, enjoy the show.